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- Declarations of the creation of a company or activity and the recruitment of employees.
- Declarations of modification.
- Declarations of ceasing an activity or termination of staff employment.
A foreign company wishing to set up an establishment or subsidiary in France must submit its declaration of creation on the one stop shop (Guichet Unique-INPI).
A foreign company that has no place of business or employees in France but carries out operations that are taxable in France (VAT, corporate tax, etc) should contact the tax office that deals with foreign companies (‘Service des Impôts des Entreprises Étrangères’ - SIEE); click here for more information.
The supplementary pension bodies collect contributions and manage employees’ supplementary pensions. The providence bodies collect contributions and deal with the relevant allowances for invalidity and inability to work, and payment of the death benefit for employees, surviving spouse’s pension, etc.
Contact us
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0033 (0)806 802 633 (n° not overtaxed)
Urssaf SFE – TSA 60003 – 38046 GRENOBLE CEDEX – France